CIRCE - Classics and ICT Resources Course for Europe - 

Preparatory visit in Verona 2003


Guided tour of Roman and Medieval Verona


(Photo: Elisabeth Nedergaard 8.2. 2003)


"...And Verona, what a distinctly beautiful city this is! The streets, the squares, the monuments, the statues, the castles, the river, the arena, the bridges, everything so beautifully intertwined with one another and with history and art. It is as if the gods themselves, being at their best, crafted all this..."

(Haralambos Tzaknakis in a mail, 11.2. 2003)


The Arena and Piazza Bra

Castel Vecchio and Ponte Scaligeri

Arco dei Gavi




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Preparatory visit




This website has latest been updated 25.2. 2003 by Elisabeth Nedergaard